Advanced bodywork, CranioSacral Therapy, Deep Tissue, Thai, Lomi Lomi and Structural Integration techniques in Leavenworth, Washington. Book your relaxing spa experience or home visit today!
Subtle Hand Magic

Subtle Hand Magic

Magic Hands

I’ve been immensely curious about the body since I went to massage school and even before. As a young child I noticed that when I put my hands on someone, they relaxed almost instantly. I was in awe of the magical power that resided in my hands. As I grew up, I began to understand that touching with presence has such a positive effect on someone’s mood and I became fascinated in why this is so. I went to massage school to pursue this curiosity, and learned how to touch with presence at an awareness based massage school in Kauai called PCAB (Pacific Center for Awareness and Bodywork). I loved being able to shift someone’s mood or state of being through my touch, and I yearned to find a way to connect that was less invasive than the Structural Integration bodywork methods allowed. Even though I was excited about the fascial manipulation techniques I learned, I felt that something wasn’t quite right. It seemed like the Rolfing style techniques I learned were too manipulative and forceful. Some people responded well to them but others felt triggered by the intensity of bodywork. I knew there was a more gentle way to work with the body and opened the door to the next chapter of my bodywork career.

In the summer of 2014, I attended my first course in CranioSacral Therapy and a new world of possibility opened up for me. I learned what it really means to create a healing space for another human. Literally create space by stepping back from what I think I know and allow another to show up in their entirety. Cranio taught me how to touch more than just the body of a person. I learned how to connect with their soul too. This work excited and scared me. The subtlety of the work felt like the complete opposite of the intensity of what I’d learned in massage school. I felt overwhelmed at times because at first I couldn’t quite sense the subtle realms that Cranio works with, yet my soul yearned to continue pursuing this path of study. I accessed deeper parts of myself than I’d ever felt before during the sessions I received in the first course. When practicing with a partner, I connected with wisdom and intuitive guidance that I’d never experienced before. I felt such a rich, deep connection to myself after those first two weeks of studying Cranio. I knew this was something big for me and I kept pursuing this path. I’ve studied with 3 different teachers over the course of 6 years and I can say that each course I’ve taken has been a profoundly transformational experience that has helped me access the deepest parts of myself in a safe, supportive way.

CranioSacral Therapy is such a gentle, non-manipulative, non-invasive practice that deeply honors where someone is at right now. Through light touch, a skilled practitioner can listen to the many layers of one’s body and get a sense for where energy is blocked or where there’s what practitioners call “inertia.” By having someone listen to them in a purely heart-centered, non judgmental way, a client’s body can develop a sense of trust, which is truly where the magic happens. With a strong field of trust, one can reveal or uncover layers of holding that aren’t normally accessible. As we release deep holding patterns, energy is more available for supporting the health of our entire system. As health is restored, the body can function more optimally and we can access the wisdom of our soul. Cranio is especially powerful for connecting to our soul because it honors all of who we are, as opposed to just our body, which is why I always felt massage was so limited. When someone holds space for all of who we are to show up however it wishes, a powerful shift can occur. Rarely in our society do we have a chance to be seen and heard in the way that Cranio allows.